Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hard Projects

I am always interested to hear about big jobs that our users build using EnRoute.  I'm working on preparations for the upcoming EnRoute Workshop and in one of the sessions we will talk about the limits of the software, CNC machines, materials, etc.  I'm hoping that our workshop attendees will all have some good examples of projects they have done that stretch the limits.  And of course, it isn't always the physically large projects that stretch the limits.  Maybe you have a small project that is very complex, or one that has fine detail, or maybe one that required you to meet some strict specifications.

If you have a project that you would like to share with me for the workshop, I would be interested to hear about it.  The project in the image in this post is one that wasn't particularly complex, but it came to me as an inspiration while I was on a backpacking trip this summer.  It is a picture frame that I created as a memento of the trip.  If you want to send files or photos to me, send them to  I will be happy to give you credit at the workshop.  Who knows, maybe it will generate some business.

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